The Myth about Beauty Oils you shouldn’t believe



Myth 1: Beauty Oils will clog pores and cause acne.

Yes, oils may clog pores but not all oils. The oils derived from plants are excellent emollients as they can penetrate easily into the skin’s surface. Plant oils are generally rich in vitamins, minerals & other active ingredients which is beneficial to skin. The non-greasy texture will not clog pores but provide your skin with extra hydration.

Tips: Avoid using beauty oils containing mineral oil as mineral oil is one of the "occlusive" agents. Wherever they're applied, they form an invisible film on the surface that may block the pores and may cause acne.


Myth 2: Oily skin and acne-prone skin should avoid Beauty Oils.

Have you chosen the right beauty oils for your skin type? Many oils, such as rosehip oil, jojoba oil, grapeseed oil are astringents and can help to rid your face of excess grease, but can also help stabilize and regulate your skin’s sebum production (i.e. your natural skin oil) to make you less oily overall. Rosehip oil, for example, can actually provide an explicit effect on inflammatory acne. Be sure to use only a very small amount (a couple drops) on your entire face, excessive use may also cause clogged pores.

Tips: High-quality beauty oils have the ability to pass through the outer layer of our skin, penetrate deeper and while doing so make it easier for other active ingredients in the oils to reach beyond the lipid layer and nourish your skin.


Myth 3: We should avoid Beauty Oils is Summer.

Beauty oils are specifically designed to provide the skin with moisture and lock in hydration. A good and high-quality beauty oil can work with your natural oils to help balance the skin. This helps soften, nourish, and balance while encouraging a healthy-looking glow to your skin. A suitable beauty oil could be a good companion in your skincare routine throughout the year.

Tips: Beauty Oils can be mixed with cream or mask, which delivers extra nutrients to your skin or by mixing a drop or two into your foundation, you’ll get a slippery consistency which makes it easier to blend the foundation in for a natural look.



謬誤一: 護膚油容易阻塞毛孔,誘發暗粒暗瘡等問題

不同産品的油份來源與品質也大不相同,來自天然植物萃取的油份,一般含有維他命、礦物質、大量不飽和脂肪酸等護膚成分,而且較其他油份分子較小,容易被皮膚吸收,不但沒有油膩感,而且不會阻塞毛孔; 高度的親膚性和滋潤度反而有助肌膚光滑飽滿。

小貼士: 要避免選用含有礦物油或合成脂的護膚油,這些成分容易囤積於肌膚表面而增加毛孔阻塞的機會,從而引起粉刺﹑暗瘡等問題。


謬誤二: 油性肌,暗瘡肌不能用護膚油 你選對油的成分及份量嗎?

您可根據自己的膚質及需要而挑選合適的護膚油,例如玫瑰果油、荷荷巴油、葡萄籽油等是修復暗瘡或是抗炎的好幫手,非常適合油性或暗瘡肌膚使用; 緊記過量使用護膚油亦會容易堵塞毛孔,所以屬於油性或暗瘡肌膚的您亦需注意護膚油的用量,通常建議1-3滴就足夠了,以免得不償失。

小貼士: 選用優質的護膚油可以將營養帶入肌底,有助調節水油平衡,養出好肌膚。


謬誤三: 護膚油只適合冬天使用

「水油平衡」是肌膚最理想狀態,護膚油可幫助穩定皮膚狀態,避免肌膚水份流失,作為鎖水屏障; 只要選對護膚油及份量控制合宜,護膚油一年四季都可以是護膚的好拍檔。市面部分護膚油的用途亦不只局限於面部,更可適用於身體和頭髮上,成為多用途的護膚油。

小貼士: 護膚油可以混合面霜或面膜使用加強保濕效果,或加入粉底令粉底更貼服,而且可以提升面部的滋潤度及光澤感。



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