Physical Sunscreen Vs Chemical Sunscreen, Which is Right for You?

Don’t forget to take care of your skin all year round! There are harmful UV rays even on cloudy days.

Physical Sunscreens create a barrier on the skin that filter out UV rays, while Chemical Sunscreens absorb and scatter the sun's harsh UV rays. 

Here the Pros of Physical Sunscreens:
- offers protection from both UVA and UVB
- safe for use on babies and during pregnancy
- your skin is protected from the sun as soon as it's applied; no need to wait before heading outdoors
- less likely to irritate sensitive skin and better for those prone to heat-activated skin conditions
- longer shelf life

Trust COCOSOLIS for an all natural SPF suitable for your face and body!  The 100% natural formula and organic ingredients make it wonderful for people with gentle and/or sensitive skin.

FREE of chemical filters, nanoparticles, allergens, added fragrances, preservatives, mineral oils, GMOs or ingredients derived from synthetic or animal origin. The product has not been tested on animals.

- Guarantees effective sun protection for your skin.
- With 100% natural formula and organic ingredients.
- Suitable for people with gentle and/or sensitive skin.
- Keeps the skin hydrated and tight, nourishing and protecting it from drying.
- Keeps your tan for a long time, while making it smooth and saturated.
- With delicate natural cocoa aroma coming from organic oils.

Let's Try It!
COCOSOLIS, SPF30, Natural Sunscreen Lotion
COCOSOLIS, SPF50, Natural Sunscreen Lotion


物理性防曬 Vs 化學性防曬的迷思

乾燥暗啞 / 膚色不均 / 膚質粗糙 / 色斑 / 皺紋…..


- 經實驗測試證實Zinc Oxide氧化鋅能有效反射紫外線UVA&UVB,防止紫外線傷害而導致皮膚老化包括色斑和皺紋,皮膚曬紅和曬傷等問題。
- 抗氧化力強的葵花籽油,抵擋因紫外線令肌膚的脂質氧化,而產生過多的自由基
- 珍貴護膚植物油成分,包括乳木果油,椰子油,沙棘果油,質地透薄水潤,為肌膚建立強效保水屏障的同時亦注入營養,令肌膚保持水潤幼滑。

COCOSOLIS 天然防曬乳液 SPF30及50性質溫和,低刺激性,適用於孕婦、6個月以上小朋友及特別推薦給敏感肌膚的人

COCOSOLIS, SPF30, Natural Sunscreen Lotion
COCOSOLIS, SPF50, Natural Sunscreen Lotion

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